Friday, July 31, 2015

Recipe: Peanut Butter Cocoa Mug Cake

Tonight, I was feeling kind of sweet for my late night snack. Usually I'm the only one up past 10 PM in my house so I always need to find a snack that would work for just a solo dish. Whenever I make deserts, I'll find a microwave mug recipe. I originally got this recipe from here, and decided to put my own spin on it. All I did was add a bit of cocoa to the recipe, since it was originally a peanut butter mug cake, but I felt like having something a bit chocolatey. Enjoy the recipe:

Peanut Butter Cocoa Mug Cake
Serves: 1


  • 4 tbsp All-Purpose Flour
  • 1/4 tsp Baking Powder
  • 4 tsp Granulated Sugar
  • 4 tbsp No-Fat Milk (I did use whole milk though)
  • 3 tbsp Peanut Butter
  • 1 tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
How to make it:
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. The batter must be smooth but will be thick. Place into a coffee mug.
  2. Place in the microwave for 1 minute. If it's not done, place in the microwave for another 15-30 seconds.
  3. Let cool for a few minutes. Enjoy with some milk, since it can be quite sweet in flavor.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Blog Review: CorpGoth

Recently I've been interested in finding new tumblrs, twitters, and other blogs. I've also become interested in the Gothic fashion style too. I won't go much into that as my post is revolving around a review of a blog.

One of the things with Gothic fashion is that it can be difficult to make it more business-friendly. Since I'm going to college for Information Technology and I graduate next year/this year (May 2016), it's important to dress professional, or business-casual (depending on the job). Since I'm just starting to get into everything dealing with Gothic fashion, I'm still learning about what works best for even casual however, so I know I'll have a bit of work figuring out what works well for the business setting. I'm very thankful for CorpGoth's advice on dressing up for the business world while staying with this motif. What is really helpful with her blog is that she posts photos of one of her Corporate Goth's outfit with every entry, and she writes where she bought every single piece of clothing and every accessory at the very end. I highly suggest this blog for not only the Gothics, but also for anybody, because the photos are very helpful for dressing up business-casual.